How To Forgive Yourself For The Past & Move Forward

Wadi Rum Desert, Jordan

Forgive yourself for…

the times you said yes when you should have said no

the times you said no when you should have said yes

the times you kept going when you should have stopped

the times you stopped when you should have kept going

the doubt you allowed to keep you from crossing the finish line

the fear you allowed to keep you from crossing the starting line

the relationships you should have ended sooner

the dreams you should have started pursuing earlier

the intuition you suppressed

the inkling you ignored

the blind curves you couldn’t see coming

the outcomes you couldn’t predict

the things you didn’t know

the factors you couldn’t have taken into account

the changes you couldn’t have predicted

the parts of you that weren’t evolved enough to know to make a better decision

From now on…

Stop punishing yourself for your past.

Make peace with what you cannot change.

Let go of the idea of you making a better decision in a situation that already happened.

There’s no such thing as a perfect decision because there’s no such thing as a perfect person–you will always only be a flawed person making the best decision you can at the given time.

So forgive yourself–past, present, and future–for not making what you would consider in hindsight to be the best and perfect decision.

You cannot change or influence what has already happened but you can change or influence what is happening now.

Forgive yourself for not forgiving yourself, for not letting go of the past, for allowing guilt over your past to keep you from your future.

Starting now, you can choose differently.

Starting now, you can create a story that is radically different than the one you have lived up to this point.

It’s not too late.

You’re not too far gone.

You can start over at any moment.

It’s up to you to decide if that moment is now.

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