77 Personal Growth Journal Prompts to Get Unstuck
The more questions you ask, the more answers you get.
A lot of the time we don’t think we know what to do or how to solve our problems or how to reach our goals to improve our lives.
But the gap between what we have and what we want can be bridged with something as simple as the right questions.
Some of these questions explicitly provoke elaboration, but some on the surface may seem like yes or no questions, or one word answer questions.
The value in journal prompts is always in going deeper. Whenever you think you only have a one word or one sentence answer to a question, write your answer down.
But then ask yourself why?
Why did you write that answer?
Why do you think that?
Why do you feel that way?
Why is that important?
And if you really want to go deeper, once you answer the first why, ask why again.
As you continue down the rabbit hole, it will be like peeling the layers of an onion, and you will get closer and closer to discovering the root of your greatest sources of pain and joy, and the clarity you need to decide how to move forward in your life.
Without further ado, here is a list of 77 personal growth journal prompts, divided by category, to help you get unstuck, and transform your life in every area.
You’ll find journal prompts for self discovery, journal prompts for mental health, journal prompts for self love, journal prompts for relationships, journal prompts for healing, you name it…let’s go!
Speaking of transforming your life, check out my Dream Life Blueprint, an aesthetic tool to help you tap into your why, map out a clear plan to the next level of your life, and overcome the mental obstacles that have been holding you back.
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Self Discovery
- What are my most important values in life?
- How can I live more in alignment with my most important values?
- What things make me happy and how can I do them more often?
- What makes me feel fulfilled?
- What drains my energy?
- What will I do to remove energy drainers from my life?
- What am I doing when I lose track of time?
- What makes me happiest?
Current Path
- What will my life look like in 5 years if I keep doing what I’m doing now?
- Is my life a reflection of my own vision or someone else’s?
- Am I making life decisions I want to make or that I think I should make?
- Am I doing my best in every area of my life right now? If not, what is stopping me and what will I do about it?
- Do I wake up excited most days?
- If I were to repeat today over and over again, how would I feel in 12 months?
Future Desires
- If I only accomplish one thing this year, I would be really proud of myself if I…
- If I did not have to worry about money, what would I be spending my time doing every day?
- How would I describe my ideal lifestyle?
- If failure was not a possibility, what would I be doing for a living?
Ideal Self
- What are the characteristics of my ideal self?
- What kind of person do I need to become to create the life of my dreams?
- What are the daily habits of my ideal self?
- How would I describe my ideal self on the inside?
- How would I describe my ideal self on the outside?
- In what ways do I want to upgrade my mindset?
- What are the beliefs that have held me back?
- What would I need to believe to create the life of my dreams?
- What specific life experience is the source of the majority of my negative beliefs?
- Who is the source of the majority of my negative beliefs?
- What habit is the source of the majority of my negative beliefs?
- What specific life experience is the source of the majority of my positive beliefs?
- Who is the source of the majority of my positive beliefs?
- What habit is the source of the majority of my positive beliefs?
- What do I believe is possible for others but impossible for me? Why?
RELATED READ: How To Upgrade Your Mental Operating System
Personal Growth
- In what ways do I want to upgrade my life?
- What is currently my biggest fear?
- What have I been putting off doing out of procrastination that could elevate my life?
- What have I been putting off doing out of overwhelm that could elevate my life?
- What do I currently think is difficult?
- When was the last time I achieved something I thought was difficult?
- What is a physical challenge I have always wanted to achieve?
- How can I better express my emotions to support my mental health?
- How can I better manage my emotions to promote peace in my relationships?
Overcoming Obstacles
- What is standing in the way of me and my dream life?
- What do I feel like I’m missing to be able to achieve my goals?
- What can I do to become more attractive to the opportunities I want to attract?
- What can I do to become more attractive to the people and things I want to attract?
- What can I do to put myself in proximity (offline) to the things, people, and opportunities I want in my life?
- What can I do to put myself in proximity (online) to the things, people, and opportunities I want in my life?
- What improvements can I make to my environment to better support the achievement of my goals?
- What daily/weekly habits can I begin to take better care of my mental health?
- What daily/weekly habits can I begin to take better care of my physical health?
- What daily/weekly habits can I begin to take better care of my emotional health?
- What daily/weekly habits can I begin to take better care of my spiritual health?
- Do my current habits get me to my current goals?
- What habit have I struggled starting the most and why?
- What can I change about my environment or routine to make that habit easier to start?
- What habit have I struggled stopping the most and why?
- What can I change about my environment or routine to make that habit easier to stop?
RELATED READ: Habits That Stick: 6 Secrets Successful People Use to Stick to Their Personal Development Plan
- How can I show up better for the people in my life?
- How can I ask the people in my life to show up better for me?
- Who do I need to take away from my life to support the realization of my best self?
- Who do I need to add to my life to support the realization of my best self?
- Who in my life am I most afraid to talk to?
- What am I most afraid to say to the people in my life?
- Who are the people in my life who fill me up when I’m around them?
- Who drains my energy when I’m around them?
- How do I feel when I’m around the person I spend the most time with?
- What is a 5 minute daily practice I can implement to show the people in my life that I care?
- What is an activity I am passionate about that I can share with people I love?
- In what ways do I like to receive love?
- In what ways do I like to give love?
- What can I do to give love to people in the way they want to receive it?
RELATED READ: How To Know When To Walk Away From A Relationship
Mental Health
- What habit can I do daily to calm and clear my mind?
Self Love
- What do other people love most about me?
- What do I love most about myself?
- What do I get the most compliments on?
- What am I naturally better at than other people?
- What are my favorite self care practices?
RELATED READ: How To Improve Your Relationship With Yourself
- In what ways have I been taking out my anger on others?
- What is an injustice that I still carry around with me?
- What do I need to forgive myself for?
- Who do I need to forgive the most?
- What has resentment held me back from?
- How has my hate for someone kept me from experiencing love for someone else?
P.S. – If you want to further tap into your inner wisdom, and make a clear path to the next level of every area of your life, check out my Dream Life Blueprint.
More Resources:
When you’re ready, here’s how I can help you…
Check out my DREAM LIFE BLUEPRINT – A 10-step interactive program to get unstuck, reinvent your life, & build your ideal future with intention
Read or listen to my BOOK – The Illusion Of Impossible: 15 Powerful Principles to Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Unlock Your Potential, & Change Your Life
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