My hope is for my writing to awaken you to the possibilities of living your life by design, not default, and help you get the most out of your one and only life. ✨


my story

A little over 5 years ago, everything I found comfort and security in started to fall away.

My relationship, my apartment, my car, my job…

It seemed like everything was falling apart.

But really everything was coming together.

I already knew I had been living a life beneath my potential, but my desire to stay in my comfort zone wouldn’t allow me to leave the city I called home for over a decade, the friends I’d made there, and the job that provided a steady paycheck even though I was…kind of over it.

I was tired of being told how many days a year I was allowed to be sick, visit my family, or go on adventures.

I was tired of having an income that was capped no matter how hard I worked.

I was tired of being told when and where I had to show up somewhere.

And I was tired of ignoring my passions and purpose, not using my talents, and putting work into something that was not fulfilling and was only a means to an end.

At a time where I didn’t have the courage to move towards the higher life that I was meant for, everything I found comfort in was taken away, leaving me with a choice:

Fight to get it all back and rebuild a mediocre life in my comfort zone, or try something brand new and move towards my best life.

Five years ago, I chose the latter.

I finally got to the point where my fear of staying the same outweighed my fear of stepping into the unknown.

So I bought an online course, started an online business, sold the trappings of my former existence in LA, and booked a one way ticket to Thailand. I’ve been fully nomadic ever since.

Despite my incessant struggles with fear, imposter syndrome, and perfectionism (the inspirations for most of my writing), I’ve managed to leave corporate life behind and create an unconventional life I love where I work on my online business, while exploring my passions and hobbies, and traveling the world full time to 38 countries and counting.

I’m living a life I never imagined.

And writing has always been a tool for me to manage my emotions, and get closer to a better version of myself.

While me and my life and very much still a work in progress, I’d love for my writing to help you do that too–create a life you love, and become the best version of yourself–by overcoming the mental and practical obstacles that get in the way of that.

I want my writing to awaken you to the possibilities of living your life by design, not default, and help you get the most out of your one and only life. ✨

I talk more about my struggle with taking a leap of faith into what I now call “my new life” in this article.


Yup. Got the birth certificate and social security card to prove it.

Probably not.

But the good news is I can help you create your destiny so you’re living a life you’re excited to wake up to every morning (or afternoon if you’re not a morning person, no judgment here).


I get this one a lot too.

Destiny is just my name. I am not a fortune teller, psychic, or magic 8 ball. The name, although pretty dope, does not come with special powers. But again, hey, with everything on this website, there are plenty of resources to help you create your destiny. 😊

Bacon. Ice cream. Bacon in ice cream also works.

Adult animation–not that kind of adult. Bojack Horseman, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Futurama, Bob’s Burgers, and the like…

Non fiction: The Untethered Soul 💛

Fiction: The Hobbit

stick around!