How to Overcome Fear: 7 Invaluable Life Lesson Quotes to Get Out of Your Comfort Zone

how to overcome fear
Cape Town, South Africa

Just go for it

You’re going to experience rejection, regardless.

Your pride and your ego will take a hit, regardless.

Things are going to get difficult, regardless.

You’re going to second guess yourself, regardless.

There will be times when you don’t feel like showing up, regardless.

Things will go wrong.

There will be setbacks.

It won’t be smooth sailing.

Things won’t go perfectly, whether you go for Plan A or Plan B, C, D, E, or Z…

So you might as well go for what you want.

You might as well go for Plan A.

Overcome fear of failure

Choose first to commit, and competence will follow.

We wait for competence before making a commitment, but competence comes after commitment.

Once we set our minds on doing something, that is when we quiet the voice that tells us why we can’t.

And in that silence, the voice can arise that tells us how and why we can.

Take action to overcome fear

Action is the only way to silence the voice in your head that keeps telling you you’re not good enough.

You don’t even need to be more confident

99% of people think you need confidence to do things.

But you don’t.

What you need is courage.

The courage to get started.

The courage to keep going regardless of the results you see.

The courage to persist despite what other people (or the negative voices in your head) say.

Confidence is the reward for having demonstrated courage.

Confidence comes from showing yourself that you can be consistent, that you can do difficult things, and that you can generate favorable results through persistent actions.

Embrace courage, and confidence will work itself out.

Drown out negative self talk

The next time you tell yourself you can’t do something, ask this question:

Whose is the voice that is saying this?

We carry around stories about ourselves and our limitations that aren’t even our own.

If you don’t think you can’t do something, it’s not because you were born thinking that.

Somewhere along the way, someone told you something was impossible for you, and you decided to believe them.

You decided to believe them more than you believe yourself.

Release the stories other people have about you and your limitations, and create your own.

Stop overthinking and worrying about the little things

Give me two seconds and I can solve 99% of your life problems with one statement:

“It doesn’t matter.”

Most things are not life-or-death. Most things are reversible. Most things can be changed. Most things can be fixed.

Most things can be replaced–money, job, material things…

Most things that preoccupy our minds–other people’s opinions, how we look, what we wish we’d said, etc, they simply don’t matter.

It’s amazing how a true life-or-death situation can instantaneously deliver to us the reminder that most things don’t matter and simply are not worth fretting over.

Enjoy the life you have.

Don’t fritter your life away obsessing over the trivial and the unimportant.

What you want is on the other side of your fear

Sometimes, that one fear, that one obstacle, that one hurdle, that one unlearned skill is the thing that is standing in the way of countless amazing things on the other side of it.

Getting past that one thing can cause a whole new world to open up for you—

Of things that you imagined, and of things you couldn’t even imagine.

Achieving your dreams often comes down to the right mindset for success. By repeating negative thought patterns to ourselves, we sabotage our chances at making the differences we want to see in our lives.

There’s something all the above positive messages have in common: they’re all tweets from my twitter account.

So whether you’re looking for deep twitter quotes, relatable twitter quotes, or meaningful twitter quotes, follow me on twitter, where I write fully original content and tweet what I hope are at best, life changing life lessons, and at least, positive inspiration to brighten your day and give you enough zing to take just one more step towards creating the life you want.

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