How To Upgrade Your Mental Operating System

Before starting an online business, I worked many jobs–call center operator, background actor, audience member, sunglass barista, flyer hander-outer…
I know, some of these jobs sound too shitty to even be real.
That’s because I found most of them on Craigslist.
When I go over my past resume, I shudder to think back to some of the things I did for money–whoa, whoa not like that.
But it wasn’t all bad.
As a natural-born gadget geek, one of my favorite jobs was working for Samsung as a brand ambassador.
I had to do the job in one of my least favorite places–the mall.
But I got to do one of my favorite things–play with phones and tablets all day.
The people who hired me probably wouldn’t have put it in those exact words.
My official job description would have been something like: marketing the latest products to potential new Samsung device owners, and helping troubleshoot the devices of people who already owned Samsung products.
But you know, potato, potato–Ahh…that doesn’t quite work the same written out vs saying it out loud. But, you know, same thing.
People would come in every day with all kinds of different problems with their phones and tablets.
Some people had issues with their camera, some with their email, some with a multitude of other glitches that would render their devices defunct.
I was able to solve 99% of people’s problems by doing the same single thing–upgrade their operating system.
With the upgrade, now they could actually get their device to do what they wanted it to do, they could control it, they could get it to behave in a predictable manner that was in line with their desired outcome.
After I did this one simple thing, it made everything else run smoothly.
They thought I was a genius.
This was like a 3-click, 10-second fix, that’s just a half step above turn-it-off-and-turn-it-back-on-again.
But they thought I was a genius, nonetheless.
Some people even felt indebted to me for my remarkable service and gadget wizardry.
There was one particular woman who came in whose dog recently died, and she couldn’t get her phone to open one of the last photos they had together.
When I did my “magic” so she could open her photo, you’d think I brought her dog back to life.
She couldn’t stop thanking me, hugging me, or offering me things.
She asked to speak to my manager immediately to petition for me to get a raise and a promotion.
She tried to give me cash, which I couldn’t accept, so she feverishly rummaged through her shopping bags, asked me what size shoe I wore, and gave me the pair of shoes she had just bought for herself.
I got four years of good wear out of those shoes.
All I did was just go to the settings menu, and click to upgrade the device’s operating system.
It was something so simple, but it made a huge impact.
And so it is with your mental operating system.
Now, upgrading your mental operating system is unfortunately not as quick as it is for your device.
(It’s going to take a lot more than 3 clicks and 10 seconds.)
But it’s certainly just as important–well, much more so, as the stakes are much higher.
Before we continue, I just released a new book I think you’ll like called…
Challenge Accepted: 15 Powerful Principles to Overcome Limiting Beliefs, Unlock Your Potential, & Change Your Life
The title says it all. Check it out here and make 2024 your year–hey, that rhymes!
What is an operating system?
It’s the software that makes the hardware work.
It’s the system from which all functions happen.
It’s the programming that dictates and allows all device actions.
Many operating systems also include an overlay.
Take Android, for instance.
All Android phones run on the base Android operating system (OS).
Each phone manufacturer (Samsung, Motorola, etc) adds an overlay–an additional layer of proprietary code that results in a slight differentiation of look, feel, and features that set it apart from other devices that run on the same base OS.
Our minds come with a base operating system from our upbringing. The influence of the people who bring us into and first introduce us to the world form our first set of beliefs about who we are, how we fit into the world, how the world works, and how the world works for us in particular.
Then we get an overlay in the form of additional outside influences–school peers, friends, teachers, media, news, etc.
The problem
Most people inherit their beliefs from the people who surround them by default. But to inherit someone else’s beliefs is to also inherit their outcomes.
Your mind is pure when you are born, but it doesn’t take long for it to be molded for you.
What it molds into during your childhood becomes your default for what you take into your adulthood.
Because you’ve been accustomed to that mode of thinking for so long, you assume that’s just the way you are, and you stay that way, not questioning your beliefs nor considering that you have a choice in the matter.
And not realizing that your mind is programmed for failure…tainted with the limiting beliefs of others, and marred by outside influence.
99% of people are operating on untested assumptions, borrowed beliefs, loaned limits, and mediocre mindsets.
And as a result, they’re not living the life they want, yet feel confused as to why, and disempowered to be able to change it.
If you want a different life than the one guaranteed to you by your default beliefs, you must choose your own beliefs with intention.
Default settings = Default results
The “not so secret” secret
We look at people who are successful as if they have some huge, special secret.
But the secret to their success is quite simple.
At the core of it, is their mental operating system.
Their beliefs determine their mindset.
Their mindset determines their confidence.
Their confidence determines their actions.
Their actions determine their habits.
Their habits determine their results.
And their results determine their life.
And thus, their fate is sealed, based on the foundation of their beliefs.
Every action they take or don’t take is intentional, in line with their goals, and in accordance with what they believe is possible for them.
5 ways to upgrade your mental operating system
Eliminate negative thought patterns. Stop repeating stories that frame you as a victim.
Release loaned limitations. What other people believe is impossible for them is none of your business.
End consumption of negative media. Stop watching news, gossip, or anything that attempts to emotionally manipulate you, instill fear, or distract you from what’s actually important.
Then add an overlay to your new OS:
Deliberately choose your mental inputs. Seek out and consume podcasts, books (like mine, Challenge Accepted), audiobooks, and media that is uplifting, empowering and reinforces positive beliefs.
Adopt the mindset of masters. Look at people who have what you want, and ask questions like, “What would I need to believe about myself in order to make that happen for me?” Whatever the answer to that question is, keep saying it over and over in your mind.
The device you use to do everything is your mind.
If you want to upgrade your circumstances, you must upgrade your mental operating system by consciously de-selecting beliefs that do not serve you, and consciously selecting beliefs that will empower you to achieve your goals, and mentally equip you for the path you set for yourself.
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